6 Tips For Brewing a Delicious Cup of Coffee Using Biodegradable Coffee Capsules

When Nespresso pods first hit the market back in 1986, it was a revelation. Long gone were the days of waiting for a Moka pot to boil, or a cafetière to brew: caffeine enthusiasts could now access delicious coffee, with the touch of a button. 

Unfortunately, it soon became apparent that while convenient, these capsules were an environmental disaster. While recycling these pods is possible, most end up with the rest of our household waste. Almost 30,000 coffee pods end up in landfills each month, each taking 500 years to decompose. With coffee being the second most traded commodity globally, after crude oil, it’s vital to find a more sustainable way to consume this good. The solution? Biodegradable coffee pods.

Unlike their aluminium counterparts, our compostable coffee capsules start decomposing as soon as 14 weeks after use. The use of biodegradable materials doesn’t mark a compromise on taste. Our pods are filled with our Guatemalan coffee, and we use only the highest quality Arabica beans. Providing delicious coffee is a priority, which is why our capsules are made with an oxygen barrier, meaning they retain their freshness, even when they’ve been removed from their packaging.

Whether using biodegradable coffee pods, or aluminium, one common gripe is that the resulting espresso lacks the strength and flavour of those bought in cafes. When it comes to brewing the perfect cup of joe using capsules, there are a few steps that can be followed to guarantee a coffee that’s both delicious and packs a punch.

  1. Keep your machine in good condition: For a coffee machine to brew a delicious cup of coffee, it needs to be kept in good nick. This means not allowing any mould build-up, emptying the drip tray frequently, and keeping on top of descaling. Aim to clean the machine once a week, and descale it every three months. We also recommend using a water softener, to avoid limescale build-up.  Make sure to use a proper coffee machine cleaning solution, as they’ve been specially designed for the unique purpose of cleaning coffee machines.

  2. Buy good quality coffee: A lot of pods on the market have favour enhancers added to them, which give the impression of a stronger cup of coffee. Opting for a good quality coffee, from a specialty roaster such as Terrone & Co, will mean you’ll enjoy a better end result, free from any additional nasties. Make sure to pay attention to the shelf life of a coffee, to ensure you’re always getting a fresh-tasting brew.

  3. Skip the milk: Adding milk to your coffee will dilute the flavour, as well as dull the complex notes of a lovely coffee. If you are adamant about adding milk, consider adding another shot of coffee, so that the flavour still shines through. 

  4. Pre-heat the cup: Decent baristas will never pour a coffee into a cold cup as this will take away some of the heat from the freshly brewed coffee. With the brewing chamber empty, run a long shot and leave the hot water to stand in the cup for a minute or two to heat it up, before chucking it away and giving it a quick rinse. As a result, you’ll enjoy a far higher quality coffee.

  5. Purge the machine: The above step has the added benefit of purging the machine, which essentially means you’re cleaning the pipes before extraction, as well as ensuring the water temperature is regulated. 

  6. Use fresh water: While some may be using their machine multiple times a day, others might only use it to brew the occasional cup of coffee. This means the water in the water compartment can sit around for ages, becoming stale. To combat a bad-tasting coffee, ensure to fill the compartment with fresh water before each use. We also recommend using filtered water to brew your coffee. Not only will this improve the taste, but it will improve the longevity of your machine, by decreasing the amount of limescale deposits.

Terrone & Co. Team